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Reconditioned Used Golf Cars in Woodstock, ON

A golf car is more than just a mode of transportation—it’s an experience. Performance Carts and Trailers proudly offers an extensive inventory of reconditioned and used golf cars in Woodstock, ON that cater to every need. Our vast showroom allows enthusiasts, joy riders, and thrill seekers the opportunity to find the perfect car tailored to their preferences. With professional recreational and golf reconditioning, repair, and maintenance services, we ensure every vehicle meets the highest quality standards. Choose us for your golf car solutions and experience the top combination of affordability and luxury.

Lifted 4 passenger blue golf cart

Get the Most From Your Used Golf Car

We offer an unmatched selection of used golf cars complemented by exceptional service. Enjoy outstanding benefits when choosing one or more of the following:

  • Customizations and Upgrades: Tailor your golf car to reflect your style and performance needs with our extensive range of custom enhancements.
  • Cost-Effective Cars: Acquire a premium golf car for less without sacrificing quality.
  • Reliable Quality: Thanks to our meticulous reconditioning process, each golf car has a dependable performance that stands the test of time.

Comprehensive Golf Cars Reconditioning Services

Our reconditioning programs are designed to ensure our golf cars are as good as new:

Basic Program

In this introductory service, we focus on fundamental inspections and repairs to guarantee a fully operational, safe, and clean golf cart.

Reconditioning Program

Our expert team undertakes an in-depth restoration process to improve the golf car's performance, aesthetics, and overall quality.

Refurbishing Program

This comprehensive program revitalizes the golf car with top-of-the-line parts, accessories, and fine-tuning for unrivalled excellence on and off the course.

Your One Stop Shop for All Your Golf Cart & Trailer Needs