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Superior Street Legal Golf Cars in Kitchener, ON

Performance Carts and Trailers gets drivers on the road with performance and style with our exclusive selection of street-legal golf cars in Kitchener, ON. With hundreds of carts, our showroom has something special for you. Our top-quality services satisfy both avid and casual LSV drivers. From sales to servicing to repairs and upgrades, our dedicated team ensures each customer drives away with a vehicle that perfectly suits their lifestyle and love for adventure.

grey golf cart in golf course

Cutting-Edge LSVs From Leading Brands

You don’t want just any LSV – you want the perfect one. That’s why our inventory is carefully curated to feature only the best in the market. Each brand we offer is renowned for its reliability, performance, and style. Our LSVs are fully equipped with the latest and greatest technology and equipment, and we can also customize and upgrade them to enhance your ride. The brands we offer include the following:

  • Club Car
  • EZGO
  • Garia
  • MadJax

Be Prepared for the Road With Your LSV

Our LSV options include the following for your safety and comfort:

  • Headlights for visibility during night or low-light conditions.
  • Taillights and brake lights to signal to other drivers.
  • Turn signals for safe navigation on streets.
  • Rearview mirrors to provide a clear view of the surroundings.
  • Windshields to protect passengers from wind and debris.
  • Seat belts for safety and compliance with traffic laws.
  • Reflectors for improved visibility to other vehicles.
  • Horns to alert other road users.
  • Speedometers to monitor speed and comply with speed limits.
  • Parking brakes for secure parking on inclines.

Hit the Streets as You’ve Always Wanted

Please consider taking a trip to Performance Carts and Trailers today! Our doors are open for you to explore both new and used LSVs, and we’re excited to help you find the one that fits you perfectly. With our extensive stock of parts and accessories and onsite servicing and repair options, every aspect of your golf cart experience is covered. Let us propel your recreational and street-legal golf cart experience to the next level.

Your One Stop Shop for All Your Golf Cart & Trailer Needs