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Recreational Golf Car Retailer in Woodstock, ON

Performance Carts and Trailers is the ultimate source for golf enthusiasts and recreational vehicle owners alike. We are the superior recreational and golf car retailer in Woodstock, ON, and surrounding areas. With a gigantic inventory packed with eco-friendly and thrill-packed recreation, our company provides top-tier service and a selection that satisfies every mobility need. From traversing the lush, green golf course to hitting the pavement for street-legal fun, we’ll provide the perfect recreational vehicle for your needs.

lifted onward cart

Advance Your Ride With Our Recreational Vehicles

Our recreational and golf cars go above and beyond by providing the following:

  • Eco-Friendliness: Going green has never been easier with our sustainable recreational and street golf cars. They are environmentally friendly, reducing carbon footprints without compromising efficiency or pleasure.
  • Fun and Thrills: Experience the joy of open-air rides. Our vehicles turn every day into an adventure.
  • Customized Carts: Personalize your golf cart with our range of customizations. Express your style or outfit your cart with upgraded performance or comfort.
  • Simple Maintenance: Our vehicles are easy to maintain and allow you to spend more time enjoying your ride.

Our Expert Golf Car Services

Here’s what we can do to elevate your riding adventure:

Golf Car Retailing

Choose from a wide array of new and pre-owned cars. Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to guide you toward the perfect cart that fits your taste and budget.

Recreational and Golf Car Inventory

Our wide selection stays continuously updated to bring you the latest models and best technologies.

Repair and Maintenance

Our full-service repair and maintenance offerings keep your golf car running as smoothly as the day you first took it for a spin.

Adventure On and Off the Golf Course

At Performance Carts and Trailers, we combine the thrill of the open road with the peace of mind that comes with professional service and high-quality products. Our services exceed expectations with proficient selling, servicing, repairing, and upgrading. We have a well-stocked repository of parts and accessories needed to keep your ride at its peak performance. Whether you want to seek thrills on the golf course or road, we’ll provide a recreational vehicle that provides you with endless fun.

Your One Stop Shop for All Your Golf Cart & Trailer Needs